Tuesday, January 31, 2012

31 / 366

My hair is getting ridiculous.  

Last day of January! Wow, the beginning of the year seems really long ago. I'll attribute this to my boring ass classes and overall lack of social life.

I'm in a good mood again today. I don't know what's wrong with me, or, I guess, what's right. Well, actually, I do know part of the reason and it's too pathetic to put into words haha. I am all kinds of lame. NEWAY. Today was fairly uneventful; I had tons of work to do in all of my classes. I'm starting to feel like there is just not enough time for me to accomplish anything. We had an earthquake drill in second, that was tons of fun, contorting myself into grotesque shapes to fit under my overcrowded table thing and then having to come within talking distance of the freshman. We played the running game in Gov -- it's always funny seeing how crazy competitive AP kids are over five points extra credit haha.

In other news, I've been listening to way too much sad seventies music - Aubrey by Bread has been stuck in my head for about 72 hours now. This song always makes me want to cry. I guess I'm trying to compensate for my otherwise cheerful demeanor.

Monday, January 30, 2012

30 / 366

Don't know why, but I'm in a pretty good mood today, especially considering that it's only Monday. I was basically just lethargic and tired and bored throughout all of my classes, too. This is pretty weird.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

29 / 366

I was so productive today; with the aid of much seventies music, I wrote six pages in my novel today to reach my halfway point of fifty pages! So much proud, so much proud. I'm getting more optimistic about the project as a whole, because now that I'm actually getting into the story I think that I might actually create something that means something to me, not just bullshit which I put on paper to meet a deadline. I have another month of this crazy piled-on stress, and after that I feel like I'm totally going to check out of school completely lol. But yay! I'm feeling all congratulatory and whatnot. I think I might let myself eat tonight!

Also I tried watching some of the ProBowl, but I fell asleep during the second quarter *shame*. Basically yeah, that's all for today. I think maybe I'll go and do some homework or something else productive, while I'm on this ~hot streak~.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

28 / 366

I woke up today a little cross with myself for letting opportunities pass me by, but then I talked to my friend and he made me feel a lot better about myself. In his own asshole way he has encouraged me to take risks and go for broke. I don't know if I will, but it's nice that he believes in me anyways. I should also start taking my own advice!

Basically did nothing today. I practiced driving and drove my dad to WinCo (and failed at parking lol). My friend's coming over later, and I promised myself that I would write at least five pages today before she arrived -- I haven't written a single word besides "Chapter Seven." Ah I fail. She's going to be here in thirty minutes but I'm just so braindead. OK I'm gonna stop complaining and just do it.

Friday, January 27, 2012

27 / 366

Please excuse my lack of ass and room cleanliness. Also the picture with my TBWA shirt makes me look like I have rolls of fat lolol.

Didn't have much going on at school today really. Actually, there was pretty much nothing going on, so I'm hoping tonight will be good to make up for it. I'm just chilling at home, waiting for five thirty to roll around so I can head off to the basketball game(s) at school. They're against our rivals, and since we lost horribly during our last football match I'm hoping that we can make up for it in basketball .. since we're actually good at it haha. I'm deliberating on whether or not I want to wear my Teal Black and White Army shirt -- I feel like a child when I wear T-shirts. But the other school called us out and said we have no spirit (which is actually true) so I want to do something without looking like a total ~schoolspirited~ dork!  It's a hard lyfe being ironic.

Day-after update: We won!!!!!!! My palms are literally bruised from clapping so much. It feels so good to beat those cocky mother effers at something while we chanted rude things from our side of the court haha. Soooo proud of the boys. Although I'm pretty mad at myself for being so cautious and not taking opportunities that presented themselves to me afterwards, ugh. I need to just stop being scared or move the hell along.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

26 / 366

I don't think anyone really gets my complete and utter hatred of ants. My day was starting out totally fine, and then BAM. As I was doing my makeup I noticed one ant. Then two. And I followed the line and found that they had all decided to congregate in my bathroom and bedroom. UGH. I really don't know why they feel the need to come shelter in my room; it's cold and there's no food there. But I waged an all-out war on them and managed to kill the majority, though I have taken no chances and am sheltering in my parents' room for now.

I discovered today that the boy I sit next to in Physics not only a smart-aleck, but a gassy smart aleck. Fun times.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

25 / 366

I literally have no idea where the audience for this blog comes from. Looking through the statistics that Blogger gives me, all the referring sites are like shady and random. Lol that's cool I guess.

I wish I had something interesting to talk about today. Hm ... I got a really bad score on my Econ test from yesterday? Hurray. School always starts late on Wednesdays so I got to sleep in and catch up on sleep, which is good. Uh. Oh, we had a seat change in Physics so now I have to sit by someone who quite honestly annoys me, and my lab group is different  now :'c It's upsetting. I had ribbon practice after school and now ...... I'm here, about to start working on my senior project. I think that's about it, unless you'd like to read about the horrors of my menstrual cycle. So yeah.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

24 / 366

I have obviously lost my mind. I'm so tired. All of this stress from my classes and my senior project is making me lose sleep and I guess I'm coping with that by sleeping in my classes and taking copious amounts of unnecessary pictures of myself. I'm trying to think of anything ~eventful~ from today but there was really nothing, other than my above-mentioned sleeping and I don't think you want to hear about that. So I'll end this and go work on my novel.

Monday, January 23, 2012

23 / 366

I'm feeling stressed out and ugly and tired today. I had very little sleep last night because of the storm; I'm not used to rain anymore. Now I'm trying to catch up on all of my rapidly-approaching deadlines and I kind of feel like crying. Everything sucks.

23 / 366

Awww look at me back when I had hope for the future :'c Welllll the Niners lost in a game that almost gave me a heart attack, so this post is in memory of their otherwise-amazing season. I totally thought they could make it to the Super Bowl this year too. So sad. In other news, I went to church today then went to eat pho with the family and ran into a bunch of extended "family" there. The end.

PS. I need to start investing in my own merch instead of using my dad's stuff from the nineties haha.

21 / 366

L-O-L well it was my last high school homecoming dance ever, however ... literally no good pictures were taken, so this is just a video of fail.

Two of my friends came over to get ready, the plan being that we would meet up with the others at the dance. What we didn't know -- although we had guessed -- was that our other friend, who had been telling us that she  wouldn't be able to go at all for the past week, actually came; so yeah that was a not-so-surprising surprise. The dance itself was really average. The DJ sucked, especially in the beginning when he literally stopped the music and everyone was just standing there for like ten minutes waiting for him to get his shit together. Also, there was nobody there; it was all underclassmen and maybe a handful of seniors besides ourselves.

On the plus side, once the good music actually started playing and we could actually start getting into it I had fun. There was the typical sweaty-strangers(and some accidental and unpleasant nonstrangers)-grinding-on-you experiences, but that's fairly standard at homecoming, really. I guess it was blacklight and lazers and overall psychadelic strobe light themed, so it was kind of like being at a really shitty rave. Also I discovered that I might be part vampire, as my friends considerably pointed and screamed in terror that my eyes were glowing creepily in the blacklight for no apparent reason. Oh god and I just looked it up on Google and I am now terrified of the possibilities of cataracs or diabetes (although, since I'm Filipino, the diabetes thin gis not too surprising). ANYWAYS. So yeah, that was homecoming. My legs hurt. Partyin partyin.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

20 / 366

Oh, how I wish I had a good camera. I have a Kodak but it's pretty much the most basic camera in existence and it takes terrible pictures, so even though I take it whenever I go places I end up leaving it in my bag and letting other people with better cameras do it instead. Nobody has uploaded any from last night yet, though, so here, have this terrible cell phone shot of my outfit. I might cheat later and add more to this post whenever I get the chance to steal.

It was my friend's birthday yesterday, so after school we all went out to eat and then watched Underworld: Awakening in 3D -- rated R in honor of her seventeenth birthday! Lots of overfull stomachs and insane laughter at dinner haha. Then some of us went to the movies and spent an hour or so in the arcade being foolish while waiting for the thing to start. The movie was alright, but I tend to fall asleep during action films anyways so I guess I'm not the best judge for that. It was an overall good tiiiiiime though! Love my friends <3

Update: Is it bad that I'm finally putting the pictures more than a month later? Stolen from Chaz (:


Thursday, January 19, 2012

19 / 366

It's raining! Finally. And also helllllla cold, I couldn't stop shivering any time I was outside today, but I'm glad that the weather has finally decided to behave as it should.

It felt like a Friday today, even though it's only Thursday, and I kept being continuously disappointed as I realized this. I had a test in Physics today, which I thought was pretty easy minus a few free-response problems, and I'm hoping a got an A so that it can boost up my B in the class. During my TA period, they were watching the documentary about North Korea that I also saw when I was a freshman, and it is still intriguing to me today. The cafeteria was super crowded because it was freezing balls outside, so after I got my Macho Nachos I sat awkwardly next to my friend facing random strangers and other awkwardness because the seat across from her was taken already and yeah. I don't even remember what I did for the rest of the day; just took a loooot of notes. It was drizzling by the time I got out of school, but it wasn't that bad, so I just walked home and enjoyed the rain even though I was shivering like crazy.

Got some bad news when I got home that plans tomorrow might be cancelled; I'm hoping not! Alright I'm going to stop blogging now because I am alternately making something for my friend since it's her birthday tomorrow and working on my novel.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

18 / 366

Herrroooooo. Well I'm pretty sure I'll contract some sort of annoying illness after today because I got to school wayyy too early to talk to my mentor about my senior project, but it finished way too early so I waited in the freezing cold for like an hour wah. Time to catch up on the fluids and vitamin C.

School was uneventful. I spent most of both second and third period listening to my teacher and the class(es) discuss the ridiculous SOPA bill, but I don't think it's going to get passed anyways so I'm not too concerned. Hmm my friend taught me how to say "I eat dick" in Vietnamese, that was nice. And I had dance practice afterwards for an hour and a half, and I'm pretty sure I got an infection from holding in my pee for too long. Now I'm home; I might be going to the basketball game later on, but I'm starting to doubt it. I want to go because we're playing our ~rivals~ and they kicked our ass terribly during the football season so I'm hoping the boys pay them back for it.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

17 / 366

I'm having one of those days where I just feel hideous/unattractive/ugly/any other harsh word with synonymous meaning, and every time I chance a glance at the mirror I'm sad. Urgh to be pretty.

I have no real updates; it was basically just a bad day in general. Perhaps it's because I'm so irritable lately ...

Monday, January 16, 2012

16 / 366

Happy MLK Day! I had no school today so I spent my morning cleaning my room. I cleared out some desperately needed hanger space in my closet, and this mostly consisted of removing the old graphic tees from freshman and sophomore year *gag* and putting them on the shelves instead of hogging the primary real estate lol. Then I did my gov homework, which took a couple of hours. I had this really weird urge to watch Peter Pan, because it's always been my favorite Disney movie but our VHS mysteriously disappeared a couple of years ago. So I looked it up online and I was probably smiling the entire time I watched it haha. Nowwww I'm novel-writing (surprise!).

Sunday, January 15, 2012

15 / 366

I feel really bad for the Packers. I'll admit, I was rooting for the Giants during the game, but that was mostly for the sake of the Niners, and the loss was still pretty upsetting. That being said, this is my favorite commercial on television right now. I can't stop watching it okay. FAVORITE.

My weekends are so redundant. Today I -- you guessed it -- watched football. And also I practiced driving and didn't kill anyone! I am almost getting over my fear of causing terrible traffic accidents! Whoo. I'd say I was fairly productive (minus the fact that I haven't touched my homework and am desperately behind on my novel)!

14 / 366

Totally cheating by writing this the day after, but whatever. I was way too busy watching the Niners kick serious ass! That was suuuuuch an exciting game, I nearly cried a couple of times during the fourth quarter haha. Then I had to go to a debut (18th birthday party) for a distant cousin and I got to wear my pretty dress lol. I don't know what it is about them, but father-daughter dances at events like those will never fail to make me cry, or at least seriously tear up. I dunno.

Friday, January 13, 2012

13 / 366

 Happy Friday the 13th, like I really need any more bad luck. I'm totally blaming the universe on the terrible job I did on my AP Gov test today, haha.

I'm tired of the weather lately. It's the middle of January, and while it might feel like it at the beginning of the day, by the end it's in the mid-60's which, yes, is pretty cold, but not nearly enough. It's supposed to be raining and freezing the entire day! Plus I never know how to appropriately dress when it fluctuates so much. I tried to compensate for my thin flannel with a thick scarf, but I was alternately freezing and burning up as the day progressed.

I had my very last winter homecoming rally for high school today *sob*. Lol it was pretty laaaaame, especially since it was so stuffy with all of those bodies stuffed into one gym. The theme this year is "Superheroes" hence the ring that they were giving out to the seniors.

Also I'm considering just giving up on some of my current conquests. Reality is kicking in and I'm slowly realizing that I am just not good enough.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

12 / 366

I'm so sad. I bought this at a flea market a couple of years ago for like maybe fifty cents and I loved it for its pure creepiness, but today when I took it out of my bag and opened it shards of glass fell on me. Seven years is a long time for bad luck aw.

I basically did nothing again today; just the usual labs/activities, making copies, note-taking, etc. I finally bought my winter homecoming ticket, though, and I'm getting excited since it's gonna be my last!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

11 / 366

I'm taking a quick break from writing so I can update this thang. Today was a late start Wednesday, so I got to sleep in for a little, then headed to boringboring school where nothing interesting at all happened. Afterwards, me and my friend sprinted across campus so that we could get our usual positions seating people for our Biotech Academy interviews. It was  alright; I just seated people and brought them into their interviews when the time came, then just talked for the rest of the time. Towards the end I was getting irritated because we were so behind schedule, as usual. I like things to be ON TIME. 

I don't know, today could have been better. it was just so uneventful. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

10 / 366

I was being good today and actually finished a majority of my homework! Oh and as I wrote that last sentence I just realized that I had other homework that I'd forgotten about doing. -_- Life.

Walked to school today in the cold by myself because my brother was being a slow bum. It was a straightforward day in Physics, we just reviewed and took a really easy quiz. Then I ran errands during my TA period and finished all my reading for econ which I've been stressing about, so I'm proud of that. Awkward eye  contact moments during lunch, and then in Gov one of the school counselors came in to talk to us about the FAFSA. Since I've already finished filling it out and submitting it, I wasn't paying close attention, although there was a really hilarious little film that she showed us (hilarious because of the low-budget visual effects and corny acting job). We had a test in Econ in which I had no idea what I was doing for half the time, and then I came home and ... bummed, mostly, squeezing in some novel work in between. Now I guess I am off to finish the rest of my crapload.

Monday, January 9, 2012

9 / 366

I'm really tired today. I have a ton of schoolwork and studying to do, plus I really need to catch up on my novel-writing schedule. :/ Wish I had more interesting things to report, but hey, it's Monday.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

8 / 366

Today was Sunday, so I woke up earlier than I would like to go to church with my family. Afterwards, we went to the mall, because I have parties and winter homecoming soon and I needed a suitable dress. I found my soul mate of dresses; I want to use it for every event lol. Then I came back home and was heartbroken as the Steelers lost their wild card game (much to the amusement of my dad, ugh). Freaking Tim Tebow. Oh well, I still have my Niners!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

7 / 366

I'm sorry to say that I spent almost this entire day watching football. First the All-Star Army High School game thing, in which the West Coast hella represented! There were also a lot of players who committed to playing for Cal next year, so who knows? I may be seeing them. Then I watched the NFL wildcard games, and yeaaaaah. I also cleaned my room in between, and worked on my novel a bit, blah blah blah. I need to find some better way to spend my Saturdays.

Friday, January 6, 2012

6 / 366

I'm trying not to have this blog be too personal, since I'm not sure who's accessing it (if anybody, lol) so I'll save all the gory details about me being a hormonal teenage girl today with butterflies in her stomach *gag*. I'm getting really mad at myself because I told myself I was going to be braver this year and ~take initiative~, but in reality I'm such a chicken I don't know how that will ever work out. I'm tired of admiring from afar. 

School itself was pretty laid-back; I had an easy lab in physics, and I'm assuming that class is going to be much chiller than all of my other science biotech classes. There were absolutely no errands for me to run in TA so I finished up my econ homework in there, took a little nap, and was randomly inspired by the sound of the teacher typing so I hand-wrote a pretty lengthy passage for my novel. That's actually not a bad strategy, now that I think of it -- I have far too much free time that period. I had a test in Gov. Then we played random educational games in Econ. One of them was this thing where he gave us each a paper bag with some sort of cheap toy in it, and we looked inside and rated our satisfaction in "utils" then were allowed to trade -- all for the sake of representing our economy, of course. I thought it was hilarious how half of the class is made up of legal adults and yet we were so excited over these cheap dollar-tree toys. I got a sweeeeet pen that lights up when it's flipped open and can be a keychain and errrbody was trying to trade me, haha. You can never have too many light-up items! 

So I was in pretty high spirits by the end of the day, and even the disgusting ten-year-old boys in my neighborhood verbally molesting me did not bother me (as much as usual; yuck). And now of course I'm at home wasting my time on the internet as per usual when I really should be writing my novel. Ugh, I guess I'll do that right now. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

5 / 366

Looking like a morose teenager but I really like my hat. I got it as a Christmas present and I've decided that I'd rather wear this than do my hair on a daily basis.

So yesterday when I was linking my friend to this blog I realized I made a really stupid mistake and made the url "leap2k11" instead of "2k12." That was one of my stupider moments, lol. Now it is all fixed and I feel a little less derpy.

I just got home from school and decided to post really fast before doing my homework, working on my novel, and going to my school's financial aid night, in that order. I can't say there's much to write about, though -- it was the first full day of the term and there was just a lot of work involved. I'm really tired now but I have a million things to do sooooooooo I guess I'll get my lazy ass off of this blog and start working on it.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

4 / 366

Awkward random picture, but I was liking my hair. Nothing really ~exciting~ happened today. Physics was standard, TA was worse than yesterday, lunch was standard, AP Gov was standard, AP Econ was standard but I'm having a hard time concentrating in that class. Also my last three periods are miserable because the classrooms are MUSTY and it's disgusting. I had ribbon dance practice which was standard. The pile of my homework is slowly starting to add up, and I've forgotten how to be productive so it's going to be a problem. I also have to do my senior project which is slowly becoming more and more stressful because, did you know? It's actually really hard to write a novel. Who would've thought right. I should probably be working on that right now, buuuuuut. Yeah. Senioritis is at work.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

3 / 366

Today was my last "first day" of high school, since this is the last time I will be starting completely new classes. School started at 10:20, but I got there early because I was getting rude text messages from my friend telling me to hurry up lolol. Physics was alright, we were supposed to build towers out of popsicle sticks using hot glue guns and the group with the tallest tower that stood on its own for at least ten minutes would get extra credit, but my group was stupid and ended up just gluing popsicle sticks one on top of the other, resulting in an unbalanced tower that didn't even last three seconds ... we lost points haha. Then I had TA period for a freshman class (the teacher totally lied to me, btw. he said it was a sophomore class which would have been bad enough) and my first impression of them is not positive. Obnoxious little runts. Had lunch with my friends and realized that pretty much everybody had first lunch, which is awesome because I get to see people I normally don't. Headed back to the same classroom as second period for AP Government and took a review test, then walked two doors down for a lecture in AP Economics, which I think will be an okay class except I can't really take my teacher seriously because he looks like he is nineteen and should be found in a skatepark.

This is such a boring post which has much more detail than necessary, but I think it's interesting how my impression of my classes always changes from the first day to the last.

Monday, January 2, 2012

2 / 366

I'm sorry to say I wasn't very exciting today, either, BUT I did watch the annual Rose Bowl game on ESPN.com. I've been looking forward to this game foreverrrrrr, because I've gotten to be a really big fan of the Oregon Ducks over the last season, and it was such a good game. The Badgers put up a really good fight, which made me even more happy when we won. And yeah, that was basically my day. Hopefully going back to school will make me more interesting lolz.

Alright /boringfootballpost

Sunday, January 1, 2012

1 / 366

I'm not someone who is a big believer of New Years resolutions. I've always felt that, if you want to change, you should just do it, and not wait for a "significant moment" like the end of a year to become who you want to be. However, 2012 is going to be a really big year for me. I'm going to be graduating from high school, possibly moving out of the house?, heading off to college, and becoming the legal definition of an adult, so I thought that this really was the best time for me to make some changes, since so many are going to be happening to me regardless. So I have a few little resolutions that I'm going to try my best to stick to:

  • Be nicer to people. Stop talking about people behind their backs and being otherwise nasty. 
  • Stop being so afraid and cautious of everything; take risks! 
  • Smile more often. 
  • And of course, the ever-present get in shape. 
I'll be trying to document a bit of my every-day life here, so that I can look back, a year from now, and decide whether or not I've lived up to my own expectations. Unfortunately, I've done nothing but finish my AP winter break work and start on my senior project, which is to write a novel, today, so I have nothing to say today. Hopefully this will get more interesting as time goes on!