Wednesday, March 28, 2012

88 - March 28

I look gross today - and this was before the humidity caught up to me. Erm. Again, it was a substitute kind of day, so basically first and second period were very chill. At lunch, there was a band playing - Joe Brooks? Idk, it was something like that. I still never understand why people come and perform at our cafeteria during lunch; high school kids are disrespectful. The highlight of my day was probably that I got the highest grade in the class on one of our AP Lit practice tests, but the downside was that everyone hates me because it set the curve. Also I pretty much bombed my Econ test. Senioritis ftw!

I am also looking for any distractions from my recent ~heartbreak~ lol. I am fickle.

87 - March 27

Nothing noteworthy about today, except that it rained a little! Sigh.

86 - March 26

I was very moody today, probably due to my Aunt Flo making her dreaded visit. My physics teacher was gone, presumably because his wife has given birth, so we had this terrible substitute who knew nothing about the subject but insisted on teaching anyways. He made us go up and write answers on the board and I ended up being humiliated because I had the wrong answer and he insisted on making me stand up there while everyone corrected my idiot mistakes. Also I realized that maybe I'm not so okay with some of the things that have been going on. I'm just going to have to continue being positive. After all, there still is too much to be thankful for.

Monday, March 26, 2012


I didn't do anything today.


Let March 24, 2012 forever be known as the day that the California State championship was stolen from the Sheldon Huskies.

Just kidding. Well, kind of. As a totally fair member of the audience I'm pretty sure that the refs were paid off. They fouled out FOUR of FIVE of our starting line-up, man, and only a couple of fouls were called on the other team. Hrm. I was upset and the crowd was rowdy so it was all good. I love loud crowds almost more than the game itself. I also road the ghetto-bus to Power Balance and back so it was cooo. And beforehand I went with the girls to Chipotle nom. So, I mean, it was a pretty good day overall.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I witnessed my very last multicultural rally of my high school career today *sobs*. Honestly, the multicultural rally has been one of my favorite things about my school throughout all four years. It's cool seeing just how crazy diverse my school is and how all the clubs come together to showcase that .. and I like getting out of class for a while. You know. The rally was actually really good this year, I give them props. And at the end the basketball team came out and we got all pumped up again (did i mention we're going to state tomorrow?!?). Well, because of the weird rally during first period all the classes were mixed up and it was generally confusing and nobody wanted to do anything in class anyways. After fourth, I ran some "errands" around school including buying the pre-sale ticket for the game! Ugh I don't think I've ever been this excited for anything.

After school I just chilled and was ready to take a nap when my dad told me that my cousins were going to come pick me up to the go their weekly youth-night thang. I was really unwilling at first but after a while of being there I was thankful. I've never really felt connected during church, or I haven't in too long, so it was refreshing and inspirational. It was awkward being there because half of the kids I didn't know and the other half were people who I've grown up with but who I've pushed away (I feel like I've said this before). But again, it was worth it, even despite the many teenage boys there who used the words "swag" and "yolo" in all seriousness and kendama-d to their hearts' content.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Oh. Um. Hey guys. Yeah, I have no excuses whatsoever. I am pathetic and I'll go back and update the days which I can actually remember things happening, but. Er. Yeah. Also I think the only reason why I'm even uploading this is because I'm trying to procrastinate from doing my actual homework! I really do not know how I'm going to make it to the end of the school year.

Anyways. School was alright. My physics teacher was absent so we had the Mexican sub who is forever telling scary stories with the lights off and making me pee my pants. I got incredibly irritated during lunch, though. There's this really narrow portion of the cafeteria that they wall off, and there are two lines in it which lead to the Chinese food line and the taco/nacho line, and these are always the two slowest-moving lines so naturally I try to get there as early as possible. But the nacho line is always longer than the Chinese food line, so rude people are always going into the Chinese line to get to the end and then "changing their minds" and cutting in front of everyone who waits their turn. Today it was super bad and ugh. Getting somewhat-quality food at my school is so much more stressful than it has to be. On a brighter note, today was "Gender-bender" day and I got to see some guys in really entertaining feminine attire. After school I stayed after for test corrections in Econ and discussed my college future with my friends who're also going to Davis! I really feel like my future is coming together and I'm still scared but now that I have my acceptance I'm actually really excited.


I woke up to the news that there was a fire at my school. Unfortunately, it was retained to one just one isolated building so school wasn't let out indefinitely (joking, obv). The irony lies in the fact that it was the detention room that got burned, and they suspect it was arson. I feel like maybe we should set that person on fire. We don't have any money man!


It was very chill today. I had a "quest" in physics and then we played around with his electric shock mechanism thingy. In second period I was working during the blood drive and I did absolutely nothing but sit around and eat the provided food under the disapproving eye of the Bloodsource lady and hand out stickers and T-shirts and cringe at the copious amounts of blood. English and Econ were irrelevant inconveniences as usual.


It was a great day, and a lot of that rests in the fact that one of my best friends is most likely going to Davis. Pretty much all the kids in my classes, especially the Biotech kids, have basically given up on school. As long as  I don't get a D, they're not going to take my acceptance away, so I mean I'm kind of loosening my strictness on myself and not letting anything bother me. Literally nothing. I got some news which would have probably ruined me prior to Friday, but I actually care very little now! I have two months to go; shit don't faze me! There are way too many good things to look forward to, and the posters plastered all over the walls about the game this Saturday and the juniors campaigning for next year are just a constant reminder of that.


I went to the church in which I grew up today, since my uncle was preaching there. It always makes me a little sad and awkward going here because I definitely grew up with these people (many of who are my own age) and a lot of them are family, but after my parents decided to relocate to another, I pushed everyone away as usual and became that weird girl who sits in the corner during all the family parties. But even though everything from the people to the interior has changed, I still feel like this small family church is mine, not the huge one we go to every Sunday with too many people and no friends. Anywho, it was a very nice service and I was inspired, as usual. It was amazing to see how much these young people have grown in their faith and it inspired me to do the same, as well.

After, we went out with my uncles and aunt and grandma and grandpa to Chipotle, which was bomb as usual. When we got home, I tried to watch a bit of March Madness but knocked out almost as soon as I lay down, so that was kind of a fail. I woke up to voices in the kitchen and learned that we were having a barbecue. Eventually everyone came and I ate and talked and played foosball and whatnot with my cousins. Also my seven-year-old niece stole my phone and texted my friends haha. Good day overall, the only downside being that I had school the next day. Booo.


Erm hello this is my new best friend. But I suppose, to tell that story, I'll have to give you some background ..

My uncle is visiting us from the Philippines, and as every NorCal resident knows, there is nothing to show these people but the bay area. So today we took a family field trip with him and my aunt and uncle to my favorite city in the entire world, San Francisco! The first stop was the pier, and I was just chilling with my brobro while the old people took pictures of the sea lions that hang out in groups and stuff when he was like "Erica, look!" and I look and I see this lone sea lion swimming on the opposite side of the pier. And we got all excited and got closer and then it dived under and we were all disappointed until it surfaced right underneath us basically. And when I said hi, that sea lion smiled at me and then floated casually staring up at me while I talked and cooed to it because basically I am the Sea Lion Whisperer. But then my mom came to see what we were staring at and it went away sob. Still, that was a crazy ass experience because stupid as it sounds I feel like I connected with him in some way.

The rest of the trip was not so eventful. We went to find the Jollibee but found that it was closed, so we headed to Daly City to go to the Jollibee there but it was hella crowded as usual so we just ended up at L&L eating sub-par Hawaiian food. And after that I fell asleep in the car but apparently we stopped by the Golden Gate Bridge before heading home. We went to my aunt & uncle's house for a while, then to Pho Dynasty again for food. I was pretty upset that I missed the NorCal Final game, but GUESS WHAT. WE WON. HUSKY NATION BABY. We're going to state and it's the first time my school has ever felt any kind of collective school spirit and UGH. The best weekend.


So, um.

Guess who got accepted into her dream school?! 

Freaking out. I. Am. Freaking. Out. Looks like this time next year I'll be strolling around UC Davis! I can't even. This is the best news I've ever had. I finally feel like my hours and days and weeks and months and years spent working my ass off for this have paid off.

I don't even know what to say anymore. askdjfl;jfsdfadf


Busy busy busy. After school today I headed over to my old elementary school because Biotech was doing a science fair grading and I need community service hours/ Biotech activities. That took a while, but it was okay because Ritz.

After I finished, my dad and brother picked me up and then we went to my uncle's house because my dad's cousin is visiting from the Philippines and he hasn't seen him in about thirty years. Had a good time with the family and ate some good food, watched some whack March Madness games haha.

When I got home, I found out that I got admitted into UC Santa Cruz! Excitement and trepidation!






69 / 366

Friday, March 9, 2012

68 / 366

I literally do not know when I took this picture. I can't remember. But I like my hair so there you gooo.

We had a rally today, so classes were all a bit shorter than usual. I'm feeling increasingly sorry for my teachers as the year winds down and the weather gets better and the students stop caring. Numerous times I found myself making sad faces as they tried desperately to get their classes into order lulz. Physics is always fun times, probably because literally everyone in that class is a weirdo in some way. I guess I was put there for a reason! I also unwillingly entered a wet T-shirt competition when this kid just started spraying me with the water bottle the teacher uses to clean the whiteboards. It's a good thing I was wearing black (school spirit days, whaat!). Ummm. I wrote my first timed essay in months in English! My right hand is still recovering. And then the rest was just as boring as usual. The black-light rally after school was pretty good, but l have to say, last year's was better to me. That's probably because it was the first one I'd ever been to (and also the first one the school's had in ten years) and it was the day before junior prom so it was much more exciting to me than it probably otherwise would have been. The prom thing still applies to this year, though, so that probably explains the juniors' wild excitement on the other side of the gym. Also I have come to the  conclusion (yet again) that my school is ratchet.

When I got home, I literally just lay in my parent's bed and watched Little House on the Prairie before getting online and doing this. This is such an exciting start to an exciting weekend! /sarcasm. Oh and I got my ID card today, HOLLA. I look ridiculous.

I feel like I should make this blog private or something. I don't know why, but it just occurred to me how creepy it would be to have just totally random people know about my daily ~struggles~. I don't think anyone really reads this, but unless the stats that blogger gives me are lying people are getting here in some straaaange ways.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

67 / 366

Ugh. I'm having one of those days when I just hate my face and everything about it. I noticed that I hadn't posted any pictures on this blog for ages, so I went to just take a really fast one and I realized how ugly I've become lately. I think it's most closely related to the state of my skin; I've never felt so ugly before, and I've never had such extreme skin problems before. jkalsfjdkl.

Anyways. It felt like a Friday today, and so I kept on remembering it was actually Thursday and was a little bummed out each time. It's a spirit week and today was hippie day, so I don't know. I guess people thought it was totally cool to come to school hella baked (or pretend like they were) so I was incredibly distracted during all of my classes except English, because my teacher don't play haha. Also, I'm starting to remember just how much I enjoy literature. There's nothing like a healthy nerd-debate over syntax and diction to get your brain juices flowing, and I have a pretty good group in that class so I'm constantly being enlightened. Invisible Man is a ridiculouuuuus read now that I'm rereading it and looking closely at all the symbolism and whatnot; there's a deeper meaning behind pretty much every single sentence and it's so fun (for me) to try to piece it together. I really enjoy the English language okay. On the other hand, it's making me feel like crap about my own writing, so my novel is just going to the wayside, basically.

On a totally unrelated note, I was on Facebook today and I realized that it's my cousin's twenty-first birthday, and this is just ridiculous. He will always be the four-year-old kid who poked me in the eye when I was a baby and we were living in the same house. I'm getting to be crazy nostalgic.

ALSO. I don't know how I keep forgetting to mention this but there were some updates on Facebook so I've updated two posts with pictures .. I believe they were 20 and 41? I don't know, something like that. In case you wanted to be a stalker!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

66 / 366

It is so strange to be writing this on the actual day that it occurs. My senioritis is infecting everything I touch. And honestly, I'm reading Urban Dictionary's definition of the term while I'm writing this, just to put it off a little longer. I'm a terrible person okay.

I had a meeting with my on-campus mentor for my senior project, and I had to tell him that I did not yet finish my novel haha. He was totally chill about it, though, which will most likely result in me slacking off until the very last day of the deadline. Not okay, Erica, not okay.

65 / 366

Tuesdays are definitely the most boring days of the week. I have absolutely nothing to say on this subject, except maybe that I'm enjoying doing half-assed work in my classes!

64 / 366

It was the start of the new term! More significantly, it was the start of the last term of my high school career. Yikes. It's so nerve-wracking to think that in about two months, I will have left this place behind me forever. I'm peeing my pants from the nerves and the excitement (mostly the nerves, though).

Also, this last term has apparently infected every single senior with an acute case of senioritis, because nobody was feeling the workload today -- and that includes myself. I believe I've fully mastered the art of sleeping while  taking notes/reading/pretending to listen to lectures/etc.

I am terrified, yet I can't wait. A change would be good for me, but I'm a very steadfast person. I don't know. I'll just have to deal with it as it comes, because I know it will be here sooner than I realize.

63 / 366

This was Sunday, right? Okay.

It was a church day for me, so I woke up early (still delirious about last night's win) and ate breakfast with the family before heading out. I may have fallen asleep once or twice (or continuously) throughout the whole sermon, I'm not sure ...

Afterwards we got some Chinese take-out from Eggroll Stix (?) and brought it home to watch the Knicks game, boohoo. And then ... I finally did my Invisible Man essay which I had nine weeks to complete. Advanced Procrastination for the win.

Monday, March 5, 2012

62 / 366

I was supposed to finish my novel for sure before I went out. However ... if I have learned anything about myself during the past two months it's that I can procrastinate really well and no amount of threatening myself is ever going to change that. I'll just have to accept myself for what it is. 

Today was a big day. HUGE. I mean, huge for anyone at my school who cares at all about the basketball team. Because today, we claimed the Division I Championship for the third time in the row. THREEPEAT! The school organized a couple of charter buses to take us to Power Balance, and my friends and I ended up riding in the bus with the cheerleaders. We were a little behind schedule so I was scared that we were going to be late and miss the first part of the game and be humiliated by all the Jesuits. However, the game in front of us (I think it was Division I Girl's?) went into double overtime, so we ended up being pretty early.

Before the game, the guys from Jesuit (who is our top rival school when it comes to basketball) were being total douches and it totally confirmed for me that private school kids are the baddest kids. There was so much disrespect going on but, hey, I guess we would be disrespectful to them too if we had lost seven games in a row to them including two Division I championship games! Pretty much the entire stadium was filled with their people, since I guess a lot of alumni showed up and their guys were coming out full-force. And their cheers were actually pretty intimidating since they're an all-boys school so there was all kinds of deep-voiced testosterone going on lol. However, no amount of pent-up man-hormones could let them win! Our boys are legacies, and everyone hates us haha. 

There was some sort of celebration in the bus on the way back which included dancing to whitepeoplesongs and generally being really obnoxious to the people that were sleeping. Sorry guys, but you really should be more pumped up. 

61 / 366

So today officially ends my last third term of my high school career! After this is my absolute last term and then I will be graduating. God the prospect is terrifying/exhilarating.

I only had one final today in Physics, which I think I did okay on. During my TA period I caught up on my reading for my AP English class since that's staring next Monday, oops. A nine week break definitely does not mean I'm going to get things done on time.

After school, Lenneris came over and we talked about our "relapsing" problems when it comes to boys. Seriously, boys suck and we suck. Somehow she ended up looking through my albums from when I was a kid and then we watched a VHS of me as a baby haha. Honestly, I just don't know. Then my dad came home and took me to the DMV so that I could get my ID picture taken for an ID card for when we go to Hawaii (!!! still so excited it's ridiculous). The wait was ridiculous of course, and I probably look like a fool but who really cares?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

60 / 366

Today was the first day of finals! These are my grades before my teachers put the finals in, so obviously I really should have been studying instead of worrying about basketball yesterday, but it's too late for that now. I had my Gov and Econ tests today, and ... I don't want to jinx it so I won't say anything except that I could have spent a lot more time getting ready for it. It was also my last day of Gov and it was sad, even though I'm still TAing for him next term, because that was honestly my favorite class of the term and I sincerely do not want to be replacing it with English. Whoever decided that it was a good idea to put two huge two-hour tests back-to-back on finals day deserves to rot. Gov and Econ are my two hardest classes, too. Luckily, my Gov teacher was nice and played a little bit of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon after our test to ease the burden a little. 

It was cold and sort of drizzly when I got out (early! the only good thing about finals) so I called my mommy because she started work late today and asked her to pick me up. Then I watched some ratchet Morgan Freeman film that was on the TV, took a nap, and wasted the rest of the day online as per usual. I feel like this post is really fragmented and makes no sense. I guess I've been writing too much and I've forgotten how to use the English language. I really should go study for Physics. 

59 / 366

Late start Wednesday, aye. I went to school early because I had test corrections for my Econ class. When school started, Sara and I had a very awkward conversation with one of our teachers haha. Um. In second period the class went to watch the Shakespeare Festival performance that they always have in our performing arts center, in which actors from Oregon (I think) come and do original or (obviously) Shakespeare plays. The original ones are usually pretty good, but this one was Macbeth, so I took it upon myself to take a nap. For third and fourth period, we played review games. In Gov it was vocabulary bingo and then the running game, which I'm pretty sure that I've mentioned it before. I didn't win anything; in fact, I kind of lost it for my team lol. Honestly, the kids in AP classes are ridiculous when it comes to winning some extra credit. Then in Econ, we "played" this trivia thing where we're divided into groups and text in the answers to questions he pulls up and yeah. It's not even a game, but it was for extra credit so it was worth it to participate, though I don't know who won yet.

Also, I know I should've been totally focused on writing my novel but I was distracted because I was watching out for updates about the semifinal basketball game that was going down at Power Balance Pavilion. We won! So the final game is on Saturday and it'll be against Jesuit! They're the team that we won against only by a tip-in the last time, so I'm anxious as hell and I really want to go! Not sure if the school's going to be organizing a charter bus this year or what, since we're poor now, so if not I'll have to find someone to give me a ride.

58 / 366

You know what's really sad? I can't remember a single thing about Tuesday, but I feel like there was something significant going on. Ugh.

57 / 366

I know that if I don't update this now, I'll continue to put it off and end up with an abandoned blog. I TOTALLY have an excuse this time but whatevs. You'll read about that later.

Monday was the start of finals week, so of course, it was all review and very boring. I learned something really disappointing about someone who I thought was a friend and I really can't get over it. I don't want to go into details because he really isn't worth it, but I'll just say that it's really fucked up to play with someone's feelings when you don't even know yourself what you're feeling.

In other news, I reached my hundred-page minimum on my novel! I'm not done, but I think I can start to relax a little now that I've met all the goals in time.