Thursday, March 22, 2012


Oh. Um. Hey guys. Yeah, I have no excuses whatsoever. I am pathetic and I'll go back and update the days which I can actually remember things happening, but. Er. Yeah. Also I think the only reason why I'm even uploading this is because I'm trying to procrastinate from doing my actual homework! I really do not know how I'm going to make it to the end of the school year.

Anyways. School was alright. My physics teacher was absent so we had the Mexican sub who is forever telling scary stories with the lights off and making me pee my pants. I got incredibly irritated during lunch, though. There's this really narrow portion of the cafeteria that they wall off, and there are two lines in it which lead to the Chinese food line and the taco/nacho line, and these are always the two slowest-moving lines so naturally I try to get there as early as possible. But the nacho line is always longer than the Chinese food line, so rude people are always going into the Chinese line to get to the end and then "changing their minds" and cutting in front of everyone who waits their turn. Today it was super bad and ugh. Getting somewhat-quality food at my school is so much more stressful than it has to be. On a brighter note, today was "Gender-bender" day and I got to see some guys in really entertaining feminine attire. After school I stayed after for test corrections in Econ and discussed my college future with my friends who're also going to Davis! I really feel like my future is coming together and I'm still scared but now that I have my acceptance I'm actually really excited.

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